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20 years old, Journalism Student,


People I'm doin it...Day one of No facebook

Day One:
                Well today I found out that my story idea was passed through but badly I was the one chosen to participate in this experience- A week without Facebook. Now I’m probably one of the biggest Facebook junkies you’ll ever hear about. I have facebook open on my laptop all the time. Weather I’m on Inet working on an online class or if I’m cleaning my room. I communicate though facebook more than on the phone. I update my status, add pictures, and I write on walls. Facebook is a huge part of my life. But going without facebook I’m personally curious if I’ll really spend more time on school work, or if I’ll watch more TV, or if I can personally go a week without facebook.
Facebook is such a huge part of almost everyone’s life. It’s our source of communication. My mother once told me it’s like we all have our own personal newspaper. More than once my mom will start telling me or my little brother about something but we’ll already know about because low and behold we read it on facebook. Facebook is the most used social networking site in the world one website said that 550,000,000 visits were to facebook in a month. That is more than the population of the United States almost doubles the population of Indonesia.  This is blowing my mind right now. How can it be that we log on to facebook that many times in ONE MONTH.  Facebook has become a diseases…Is it possible to heal?
I am sitting here with so many other things to do. I'm slightly excited. Will I be able to make it a week without it, will I be able to show the world that people do live without facebook, will I Ami Elizabeth Gast find that life without facebook is better? 

Have a great day and enjoy your facebook-- because I sure wouldn't be on there! 
Have a great day bloggers and Remember- Smile it makes your face look better!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Haha! I believe in you! You can do it :) Brian once went without facebook for like, three months, and found that he really didn't miss it much. I think it's nice, but not necessary for my life....cuz now I have twitter! :D