About Me

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20 years old, Journalism Student,


Did not realize it was so long ago that I posted. I've been trying to stay busy and just get a lot accomplished, although it feels like I haven't done anything.
I've been out of school for a month and a half already and it feels like it's been years. I have 2 months left till I start back up. I have decided I will be going to Colorado State this fall and am very excited to see what God has planned for me.
I know I need to start preparing myself spiritually to be living in a secular college where Christ isn't the center of every class room but will be the center of my life. I attended public school k-12 and for a year and a half of college but this was all while I had a church family and a relative family all close at hand. I am excited to get out and experience life but at the same time I'm so nervous that I'll forget about God and focus on other things. But why worry when things could turn out way different than I imagine.
In 5 weeks I will be going to Camp as a counselor and am very excited for that as well. I love the group of young ladies I am going with, they are ages 11-13. It will be such a great time, as long as I don't get too annoyed with them :P
Then after that I will be coming home and teaching VBS. I love VBS but I get so excited and tired. lol And I just hope this year I'll have the energy to handle the primary class. I really just pray that it will go well! And that God will use me that week as I minister to the children!
Well, This might not be super long but it's an update.


Life starts at 20

  I have been busy for the past couple of weeks since musical... and I thought life would have slowed down by now, what a joke. I don't see it slowing down in the foreseeable future, so I'll keep this short.

  So the last couple of weeks I've had a ton happen, such as turning 20. No big deal until you realize I've lived 2 decades, approximatively 7,300 days, or 240 months, my math is probably off but you get the point... I am old! And while I was thinking of this I got slightly depressed. "What do I have to show for the past 20 years of my life?"

  I have 10,000 dollars of debt, few skills, and a high school diploma. I have friends who have children, husbands/wifes, careers. But then I started thinking of how happy I usually am because of my life. I don't have much drama, my parents help with my finances, I have skills that most don't even think of being useful but already have found ways they help, Friends who have been there for me, a Loving God, a future that is unknown but full of possibilities. So I kicked that depression in the rear and realized that ya, I am 20, but that doesn't mean that I haven't done anything with my life, sure I haven't climbed mountains or accomplished great, amazing things but I have achieved personal goals, and that I can be proud of and I am.


Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

  Life- Always busy. So I'm just going to take a few minutes and fill you in on something that recently was brought to my attention--
  Patience. We've all heard the saying Patience is a virtue. Well my blogger friend, It's true. I've been stressing for the last couple of weeks about what college I am going to attend this fall after finishing up at Iowa Central. I've been praying for answers. But a friend of mine tonight asked me if I was being patient, if I was seeking God's will patiently. I think I responded back to her with "Of course I am," and we continued on talking. 
  But hours later as I was laying in bed I realized, I am not being patient at all. I want answers and I want them NOW. I want to be able to know for sure where I am going to college. I now feel ashamed that I looked passed being patient and I just wanted things to happen when I wanted them to happen. 
  So, after realizing that I was not being patient I retreated to my Bible and found a few verses that I am now going to be applying to my life in the next couple of days as I strive to be more patient.

What is your favorite Verse or Verses on Patience?

James 5:7-8
Pslmas 40:1
Isaiah 40:31
Romans 12:12


Ami's List of ramblings

1) I think/pretty darn sure I spelled rambling wrong.
2) I don't care that I spelled rambling wrong
3) I am really hot right now in the Library where I should be working on my online classes but I am not
4) I almost died on the ice this morning... although it is like 36 Ice still lurks in the shadows where it seems to find me.
5) I forgot that the space bar is stupid and hates me on this computer
6) I am going to Kansas this weekend.
7) I pretty much know this week will be forever long
8) I have something in my eye


The Path of the Unknown

Hola Readers!
Although there aren't many of you I do appreciated you all hearing me ramble about my life, things I'm struggling with, and things I'm looking forward too. This blog update shall be a mixture of many things...I hope it's at least interesting for you all!!
I have been so busy since I came back from Colorado I finally was praying for a snow day just to be able to catch my breath- And that was a big blessing when didn't have band, jazz band, or pit practice on Monday. Then I received the text message telling me campus was closing at 1 o'clock on Tuesday and then the second text saying that the campus was closed on Wednesday! Although I didn't really catch myself up on my online classes I just relaxed. I remember a friend of mine who's blog I read a few weeks back about relaxing...Relax! (she enjoys bubble baths) Although I am not a huge fan of being wet. My type of relaxing is just watching a movie or laying in bed reading a book.
This is A picture from my current favorite movie Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs...which I watch a ton!

I would have to say that my trip to Colorado was pretty awesome! The train ride was so fun and interesting! The mountains were beautiful and getting to see my best friend was truly AWESOME! I felt like a little kid with all the fun, new, interesting things I was able to see and do! (If you haven't checked out some of the pictures i've posted check them out! ( Colorado Pictures ) I was able to meet with a transfer advisor while at the college and he pretty much confused me with what I want to do next semester....More to come on this top of colleges later (if I remember).
This week although it was a short week of classes it was still a busy week! I started taking piano and saxophone lessons the beginning of the semester and well That's adding about an hour of practices I should be doing a day... I am trying to practice that much- I just really do not have the time. I also am still an editor of the newspaper- I am the one that is lucky enough to put the paper together come up with the titles and the pretty fonts and designs and such. I LOVE doing this but it's so stressful trying to get everything to look good. And this week was terrible...people didn't have their stories in on time, stories were poorly written, I was a complete mess of stressness. (I don't know if that's a word but we shall make it work). AND... to top all of this off- I am behind in Spanish, I have musical pit every night until 6, and then some nights I have pep band. I know I shouldn't complain- I am the one who agreed to do all of theses actives. I know I will get through them I just have to keep pushing myself.
Okay-- On to colleges, I have been trying to hard to pick a college. I want to do this by the last week of February, so that I can be able to get scholarships in, along with housing, fasa, and just to know have an idea of where I am going to be next fall. Well, I have no idea. None at all...I had a few schools picked out, Colorado State, Moorhead, St. Cloud... I can't decide. I spend hours searching their websites trying to get a feel for where I should good. Then tonight I was reading something, some place and it dawned on me. I want. I could. I can. I should. I need. I should.  Catch my drift, there sure are a lot of I's in my thinking, and Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Then another verse pops into mind- Proverbs 16:9- In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. (which is the verse that I used to remind myself in the spring of 2009 while I was picking out a college to attend after high school)
And I felt so stupid. Here I was for a few weeks now thinking I could do it all on my own. I could pick a college, a course, a plan for my life without even asking the Lord who has a plan for me to give me hope and a future- a Lord that has already determined my steps. How foolish was I?
So, now I am praying seeking God's will for me life! it's not easy, I keep trying to take back this issue, to worry about it, to make my own plans...but I keep having to remind myself I have given that to the Lord and that I don't need to take it back so I place it back into His loving hands!
Well as I was going through all this mental foolishness and struggle a friend of mind posts a link to this blog she read and found very convicting. I read it- and guess what I was convicted as well. I hope you take the time to at least skim this blog READ ME :) Perhaps it will do the same for you!
It seems like I keep writing novels or such. So please forgive me and I hope it wasn't just a bunch of rambling that no one wants to hear about... :)
Have a great amazing day! I need to get to bed for another busy Saturday filled with practices and Pep band await me! 


In the Beginning...

 I have seen the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee and the Rocky's in Colorado. I've seen one of the great lakes. I've seen large cities and small towns, but something I can't get over- I can't seem to fathom- My God made all of theses! He has made the people, the mountains, trees, animals, the materials that made the great buildings. This past weekend I was able to see and take in so many aspects of Colorado while I was out there visiting a College. I just kept looking at pictures and was over come with the greatness of my Lord! Here are some Pictures! I hope you enjoy them! Let me know what you think!


About the new name change...

If you are nice enough to be checking out my blog again- thanks! It seems sometimes that I write just to get words out and have a great time to share what God's doing in my life, and it's also just nice to write without having a complete purpose such as a paper. But, if you happen to be checking out the bloggage again you'll realize a new look--Still trying to come up with something better...working on that any ideas? And also  A new name! "Love like a Child"
The name came to mind last night while I was babysitting my nieces and nephew....Leigha, (who is 2 and pictured above) was singing a song with me... "This little Light of Mine, I'm going to let it shine, this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine, let is shine, let it shine, let it shine." And she would add on another favorite of hers "Jesus, Loves me."
How awesome is that? Jesus Loves Me. I, I am just a college student who messes up, can be mean sometimes, laughs at bad jokes, makes mistakes, and lies. I- I am a sinner with no reason to have someone such as God Love me!
 Leigha would sing this song, although she doesn't fully understand she was being an encouragement to me. She sang the song with a smile on her face and kept switching from Jesus Loves Me to This little Light of mine. It just reminded me that, Jesus Loves Me, and I have a light to shine! And so as I asked myself last night..."Are you remembering that Jesus Loves You, and that You have a light to shine!"
So the name comes from this event that took place last night- Are we loving like a child would, children don't see if you are wearing the best shoes, if your hair is combed or if you spelled everything correctly- We should be loving like a child-


Update- Say Como?

  I have started writing this a billion times and always seem to just have a major writers block or just be talking about random things. Well, this one will be random but I hope to not have major writers block. Let's see, it's a new year so lets recap my life in the last couple of weeks...
  I finished my online class, Christmas eve and passed with an A. That was a huge blessing. So my grade point average was raised major and that was also a blessing! I was able to spend time with my family- All of my brothers and sisters were here for a few days. I enjoy having them here but they are people and I get sick of people sometimes, so not that I hate not seeing them for a long time because I do hate it, but I'm sometimes just glad when the house is quiet again...well besides my brothers singing (which happens a lot more than one would ever guess!) But over all that was a great time!
  I seriously said in my pj's for a full day. I haven't done that for a couple of years and by the end of the day I felt gross and wanted out of my pj's but slept in them again just so I could say I had recently stayed in pj's all day. On Tuesday of this week (the 11th) I accomplished a goal that i have been trying to achieve for a few months. I got a post on Lamebook.com (which happens to be one of my favorite sites.)www.lamebook.com

  I would like to just add that I do not hate Gingers nor twilight. I find them both enjoyable. Two of my best friends and my mother are gingers and twilight are stupid movies and way overrated but very well written books-minus the last one.
Oh, what else? 
  I went with my friends Ethan and Grace to their brother Dan's house ,who is also a great friend of mine and my old youth leader, to record for a record that his band is putting out. Long story short- I'm super excited for the record, I'll totally let you all know when it comes out. They wrote a song and I got to help with vocals and it was honestly a weekend I will never forget it was so much fun and was just an awesome time with old friends. But while there I stayed up talking to Dan just about church, God, life, death, and all the things in between and it was just an awesome time. He really encouraged me to look at my life and how I was living. I decided I didn't want to play church anymore and just really be focused again on God. So That's what I'm striving to do more so than I was before. Really excited to see what God has in store for me, just praying for His leading in my life and being ready to respond. Dan and I really talked about the future and how we need to rely on God's calling and leading. We can be questioning why we are in a certain place, or why something happened but really we should just counting our blessings that we have theses things. Dan talked about his job, he works few hours but yet the benefits are amazing and he said he has been praying about being at this job and God is just telling him to stay and be content that everything will work out but just because Dan isn't where he wants to be He should stop being who God wants him to be...and that's a living testimony! I know I often get caught up in the I don't likes of the world that I forget that I am in a place for a purpose...I am a live for a purpose and that's to glorify God! And then I question if I'm really doing that to the best of my ability. I can sure act like it but it's more than the actions- it's the emotion of the action! 
  I also started classes again this past Wednesday. ( Oh my goodness!! I just spelled Wednesday right on the first time I honestly believe that's a first for me!) Anyways... I am going to be busy this semester but I'm excited for it! I have 19 credits as of right now and tomorrow I plan on adding 2 more :) I have decided I am going to take piano and saxophone lessons this semester! I'm not looking forward to the final but oh well, should be a great time! I really have always wanted to do both of theses and I was going to last spring semester I just couldn't make up my mind. But I have decided and I am going to!! 
  I also have 3 classes that are online! I have Mass Communication Law, the book only has 2 pictures :(, a science class called Future Accommodation (slightly see this class as a joke but need one more science class), and I have Intro to Computers (which has a lot of busy work). I also have Band, Jazz Band, Newspaper (still an Editor), Biology Lab (because I need it for the school i'm going to next semester...I'll tell more about that in a second), Elementary  Spanish (because I need it for the school next fall), and lastly News Reporting (which my teacher tells me will be a good class to learn a lot but it's going to be a slow pass class because the broadcasting students aren't all that bright...that made me laugh.) So people that's my classes for this spring therefore if it seems like I fall off the side of the Earth really I'm just super busy with everything that's going on in my life. :)
  Okay, So as of RIGHT NOW I am planning on attending Colorado State University in Pueblo, Colorado (and no I can't seem to get the spelling down on Pueblo...but thank you spell check.) On paper the school looks great! It's the extension college so only about 6,000 students. My best friend happens to live in the town of Pueblo. They have a great Mass Communications program along with.... A BAND! So, thus the reason for the private lessons. But I'm very excited. I'm traveling out to see how the school is off paper... I leave Thursday and get into Denver on the Friday the 21 of January--Yup this next weekend!!! Very Very Excited to see Crystal and the Mountains again!
  What else, What else,  Learning Spanish is so weird! But some words I have found to be very fun to say, such as Chao- it means bye, but it's fun. Perhaps I should have taken Italian (probably would have, have it been an option). But yes, Chao is Spanish, Ciao- is Italian. I have realized that I have a very blah voice while speaking Spanish, I can't make things sound so fancy or what not. But I'm just learning so if I happen to say something and it sounds silly don't laugh :)
Well, because I am back to school and am not sleeping in till noon everyday, It's 10 o'clock at night and I'm pooped! So, I hope you found this at least interesting as I gave the update of my life over the last couple of weeks. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll be back hopefully soon with new things to ramble about :)