Although there aren't many of you I do appreciated you all hearing me ramble about my life, things I'm struggling with, and things I'm looking forward too. This blog update shall be a mixture of many things...I hope it's at least interesting for you all!!
I have been so busy since I came back from Colorado I finally was praying for a snow day just to be able to catch my breath- And that was a big blessing when didn't have band, jazz band, or pit practice on Monday. Then I received the text message telling me campus was closing at 1 o'clock on Tuesday and then the second text saying that the campus was closed on Wednesday! Although I didn't really catch myself up on my online classes I just relaxed. I remember a friend of mine who's blog I read a few weeks back about relaxing...Relax! (she enjoys bubble baths) Although I am not a huge fan of being wet. My type of relaxing is just watching a movie or laying in bed reading a book.
This is A picture from my current favorite movie Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs...which I watch a ton!
I would have to say that my trip to Colorado was pretty awesome! The train ride was so fun and interesting! The mountains were beautiful and getting to see my best friend was truly AWESOME! I felt like a little kid with all the fun, new, interesting things I was able to see and do! (If you haven't checked out some of the pictures i've posted check them out! ( Colorado Pictures ) I was able to meet with a transfer advisor while at the college and he pretty much confused me with what I want to do next semester....More to come on this top of colleges later (if I remember).
This week although it was a short week of classes it was still a busy week! I started taking piano and saxophone lessons the beginning of the semester and well That's adding about an hour of practices I should be doing a day... I am trying to practice that much- I just really do not have the time. I also am still an editor of the newspaper- I am the one that is lucky enough to put the paper together come up with the titles and the pretty fonts and designs and such. I LOVE doing this but it's so stressful trying to get everything to look good. And this week was terrible...people didn't have their stories in on time, stories were poorly written, I was a complete mess of stressness. (I don't know if that's a word but we shall make it work). AND... to top all of this off- I am behind in Spanish, I have musical pit every night until 6, and then some nights I have pep band. I know I shouldn't complain- I am the one who agreed to do all of theses actives. I know I will get through them I just have to keep pushing myself.
Okay-- On to colleges, I have been trying to hard to pick a college. I want to do this by the last week of February, so that I can be able to get scholarships in, along with housing, fasa, and just to know have an idea of where I am going to be next fall. Well, I have no idea. None at all...I had a few schools picked out, Colorado State, Moorhead, St. Cloud... I can't decide. I spend hours searching their websites trying to get a feel for where I should good. Then tonight I was reading something, some place and it dawned on me. I want. I could. I can. I should. I need. I should. Catch my drift, there sure are a lot of I's in my thinking, and Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind- For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Then another verse pops into mind- Proverbs 16:9- In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. (which is the verse that I used to remind myself in the spring of 2009 while I was picking out a college to attend after high school)
And I felt so stupid. Here I was for a few weeks now thinking I could do it all on my own. I could pick a college, a course, a plan for my life without even asking the Lord who has a plan for me to give me hope and a future- a Lord that has already determined my steps. How foolish was I?
So, now I am praying seeking God's will for me life! it's not easy, I keep trying to take back this issue, to worry about it, to make my own plans...but I keep having to remind myself I have given that to the Lord and that I don't need to take it back so I place it back into His loving hands!
Well as I was going through all this mental foolishness and struggle a friend of mind posts a link to this blog she read and found very convicting. I read it- and guess what I was convicted as well. I hope you take the time to at least skim this blog READ ME :) Perhaps it will do the same for you!
It seems like I keep writing novels or such. So please forgive me and I hope it wasn't just a bunch of rambling that no one wants to hear about... :)
Have a great amazing day! I need to get to bed for another busy Saturday filled with practices and Pep band await me!
Hey! Thanks for linking to my bubble bath post :) Wow Ami, could you be any busier? I'm glad you had some snow days to relax. It sounds like your life is full of really good things! I'm really sorry your college search isn't going well. That's tough. I'll be praying for you, k? Don't feel stupid for thinking you could do it on your own...I think we all struggle with that all the time!
Ami, I noticed the link to my post so I wanted to stop in and thank you for reading/sharing the link. I'm so glad that the Lord used it to encourage your heart... I so remember struggling with this issue in college. God taught me so much then and continues to bring it up - may He direct your steps clearly as you wait on Him!
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