About Me

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20 years old, Journalism Student,


Friends...Sorry about the formate- it's late and I'm done messing with it.

If this seems a little scattered, unclear, or difficult to understand- Sorry It's four in the morning :) So Let's talk about friends-Today and last night I had an interesting time with some friends. Some good and not so good... It has made me take a closer look at who I am spending my time with. How I am making others view me through the people I hang out with. Last night one of my best friends and I had a really good talk about how life just isn't all that good all the time. How events have happened to change us not for the better. We talked for a while and I realized that a real friend relies on each other, not just for advice, fun, or entertainment, but for prayer. My friend has been struggling with things but because I was angry with them I didn't want to be their friend. Like the old saying goings- You have to be a friend to have a friend. And it's so true. I realized I missed talking to this person about the things that have been causing us to change- how sometimes you have a connection with someone that you just understand them and no matter what happens they will always be your friend!Today- I realized that being a friend sometimes means saying the things that no one else wants to say. Awhile ago I realized that I would rather be told the truth then a lie- even if the truth is painful. I know personally the lie hurts worse because it's like I wasn't able to be trusted with the truth. I had an issue a rise with a very close friend and I laid it out for her. I was done holding in my thoughts. Someone needed to inform her that her decisions aren't all based on herself...she making choices that she would probably regret in the future and was being too ignorant to see this. Now I'm not saying that she was a terrible person or was doing terrible things. But she is trying to please the people that don't matter in life. I laid it out for her- I stood up to her. She has been one of my good friends for the past 10 years and I think as a friend you sometimes need to speak out and let your voice be heard. Because it's probably for the better- make sure you have your facts straight and are doing it for the right reasons though!!Then later today I talked with on of the greatest guys I know! We have been friends and we've had our bumps along the way- but through it all we've been there for each other. He showed me that you can always be a friend no matter what! And I thank him for that!And lastly...Sometimes it's just great to spend time with friends- talk, hang out, and just be together. I was hanging out with some friends tonight one left and the other said until 3:30 in the morning. We just told stories, laughed, had a heart to heart. It's nights like this that I can't help but smile and remember why I enjoy being friends with the people I am friends with. We all don't believe the same thing, do the same things, or even like the same things, but through our differences I can't help but love them all for who they are! The greatest view of friendship is the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. Thinking of friends I think of him as my best friend who I haven't treated so well. I think of all the things I've done- I've turned my back, ignored, neglected, disrespected, disobeyed, made fun of... I'm the person that has caused Him so much pain. And yet He still claims me. We can all look at Jesus Christ as the one who no matter what we do will always be there. So take a look at your own life and ask yourself today-- Am I being a great friend to Jesus, and am I mimicking Christ in my life as a great friend?
"A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble." Proverbs 17:17- (Bible in Basic English Version) 
"A man of many companions may come to ruin,but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."Proverbs 18:24 New International Version
"Better is open rebukethan hidden love.Wounds from a friend can be trusted,but an enemy multiplies kisses."Proverbs 27:5-6 New American Standard
"Two are better than one,because they have a good return for their work:If one falls down,his friend can help him up.But pity the man who fallsand has no one to help him up!"Ecclesiastes 4:9 -10 New King James Version
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13 (NIV)


Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
(This isn't a picture of MY saxophone but it's still a very pretty one :P )
Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day

Day 5

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
 Probably sounds cheesey but a favorite memory of mine was being in love....

Working towards a life...

Everyone has a desire to do something with their life, whether it be being a photographer, teacher, mother, fireman, or in my case a journalist. Sometimes I'm so focused on school and getting the grades I need to raise my gpa (which btw I did raise it this semester- Huge praise!) I forget that I could make all the plans in the world and yet if I'm not following God's will for my life I might as well stop making plans now. 
I think of the story of Jonah. He didn't want to go do God's plan so instead he ran, and look what ended up happening. He was in the belly of a whale and yet still ended up going and doing God's plan for his life. 
I am striving to get my life together and over all live it for God's glory and honor- that is why I was made anyways- To Praise and Glorify God! So as I look to take the next steps in my life I keep coming back to a verse that I memorized in the spring of 2009 when first looking at colleges to attend- Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." (ESV). I can plan my way all I want in life but no matter what God is going to establish my steps. I love the book of Proverbs and there are just so many great verses in this book that help me to keep my mind focused on the fact that I can want and plan but over all the Lord is going to have the final say. So why not make it easy and just pray for direction and seek His will from the beginning? So I ask myself and you- Are you seeking God's will or are you planning your steps in order to follow you're own plans?

A few verses that keep coming to mind-

"Leave your simple ways and you will live; 
   walk in the way of insight.” Proverbs 9:6

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Until Next time= Keep Praising the Lord.


Prayer- Working on this passion

So I have started a lot of things and I have never finished a lot of things but tonight while studying for finals I realized that this is something I really want to finish-A passion I have that isn't really tied into the list below is --
My desire is to have a better prayer life. Now I pray, pray not as often as I should but I do. I want to have a prayer life that just doesn't stop with an Amen. So that is why I have decided to go into a 10 day prayer challenge. I'm going to do 10 days of praying for a subject, seeking God's will of what to do.  But I ask you to pray along with me as I try and strengthen my prayer life as well as lift up a friend in prayer. Also- add your prayer request below and I'll add them to my list that I hope to be making within the next week.
So- here goes day one :)


Have Passion

Well Blogger Readers!
Everyone needs to be passionate about at least one thing in their life. We all must have goals, plans, dreams things we want to do in our life time. It gives us a sense of life. Something to work for. Once you lose the hope of doing things you love, want, dream of you lose a sense of living.
I was talking to a friend tonight and I realized that if you have no goals, plans, or dreams in your life you are just there you aren't having a life. You are allowing it to pass you by.
Open your eyes- realize that you have living to do! You might be afraid but that's normal. But life is so exciting! don't allow it to pass you by.
So here is a list of things in my life that i have realized that I am passionate about...
1.) Having a working relationship with God.
    It sure isn't super easy, but it's something i'm becoming more and more passionate about. I had allowed for myself to take control of my life and to do as I wished. But once I gave it back I've been wanting/desiring more things with Christ. I keep remembering to hand over my life to Him as I try and take things into my own hands.
2.) My family.
     Now, I do not always get along with everyone in my family. But I care for everyone so much. I want the best for everyone in my family. I want them to be happy, safe, and cared for. I have come to realize that with passion comes love. The more passionate I am about everything the more I learn to love.
3.) School
      I have realized that once you start caring for your grades, you become passionate about it and you want to strive to do your best work. I have been trying so hard to keep my grades at a good standing so that I can have a great GPA for scholarships and grants! And having passion for school work is important.
4.) My friends
     I care so much for my friends. Having passion for them i have realized that i need to share Jesus Christ more with them. I want the best for them! I want them to know that I'd be there for them any time of the day!
5.) My future
     In the last couple of days I've become so passionate about my future. I've been picking out a school for the fall of 2011, what I want to do with the rest of my life, and how I plan on spending my life.
Over All I plan on spending the rest of my life Glorifying God!


Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your night

Homework, practice, homework, facebook, and homework. Such is how I spend nights

Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

My friend Kelsey! Been friends with her for years and she is still a very good friend!
I am sitting in my living room trying to work on a paper for my developmental psychology class...but that's not happening as you can tell. My sister and her kids have been here for the last couple of days. They are complete nuts! They crack me up so much!!
My mom pointed out to me that I really don't have fun anymore so I'm going to post pictures for this 30 day thing but i'm just going to post them and hope it's fun!!
Day 01- A picture of yourself and 15 facts about you
1. My eyes change color
2. I love my family so much- although we don't always get along.
3. I hope to finish up college in the next 2 years!
4. Music is a passion but I could never do it as a job!
5. I love to laugh!
6. My nephew is the cutest boy I've ever seen in my life!
7. I love to take pictures!
8. I love journalism and can't wait to do it and be paid!
9. Some people really annoy me but i'd never tell them that!
10. My favorite color is yellow!
11. I want to be married some day!
12. Ryan is flirting with me now and he just makes me smile!!
13. I really like to read but I never have time to do so
14. I personally love my name!
15. I really like the T.V. show Two and a half men!