About Me

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20 years old, Journalism Student,


Working towards a life...

Everyone has a desire to do something with their life, whether it be being a photographer, teacher, mother, fireman, or in my case a journalist. Sometimes I'm so focused on school and getting the grades I need to raise my gpa (which btw I did raise it this semester- Huge praise!) I forget that I could make all the plans in the world and yet if I'm not following God's will for my life I might as well stop making plans now. 
I think of the story of Jonah. He didn't want to go do God's plan so instead he ran, and look what ended up happening. He was in the belly of a whale and yet still ended up going and doing God's plan for his life. 
I am striving to get my life together and over all live it for God's glory and honor- that is why I was made anyways- To Praise and Glorify God! So as I look to take the next steps in my life I keep coming back to a verse that I memorized in the spring of 2009 when first looking at colleges to attend- Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." (ESV). I can plan my way all I want in life but no matter what God is going to establish my steps. I love the book of Proverbs and there are just so many great verses in this book that help me to keep my mind focused on the fact that I can want and plan but over all the Lord is going to have the final say. So why not make it easy and just pray for direction and seek His will from the beginning? So I ask myself and you- Are you seeking God's will or are you planning your steps in order to follow you're own plans?

A few verses that keep coming to mind-

"Leave your simple ways and you will live; 
   walk in the way of insight.” Proverbs 9:6

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Until Next time= Keep Praising the Lord.

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