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20 years old, Journalism Student,


Friends...Sorry about the formate- it's late and I'm done messing with it.

If this seems a little scattered, unclear, or difficult to understand- Sorry It's four in the morning :) So Let's talk about friends-Today and last night I had an interesting time with some friends. Some good and not so good... It has made me take a closer look at who I am spending my time with. How I am making others view me through the people I hang out with. Last night one of my best friends and I had a really good talk about how life just isn't all that good all the time. How events have happened to change us not for the better. We talked for a while and I realized that a real friend relies on each other, not just for advice, fun, or entertainment, but for prayer. My friend has been struggling with things but because I was angry with them I didn't want to be their friend. Like the old saying goings- You have to be a friend to have a friend. And it's so true. I realized I missed talking to this person about the things that have been causing us to change- how sometimes you have a connection with someone that you just understand them and no matter what happens they will always be your friend!Today- I realized that being a friend sometimes means saying the things that no one else wants to say. Awhile ago I realized that I would rather be told the truth then a lie- even if the truth is painful. I know personally the lie hurts worse because it's like I wasn't able to be trusted with the truth. I had an issue a rise with a very close friend and I laid it out for her. I was done holding in my thoughts. Someone needed to inform her that her decisions aren't all based on herself...she making choices that she would probably regret in the future and was being too ignorant to see this. Now I'm not saying that she was a terrible person or was doing terrible things. But she is trying to please the people that don't matter in life. I laid it out for her- I stood up to her. She has been one of my good friends for the past 10 years and I think as a friend you sometimes need to speak out and let your voice be heard. Because it's probably for the better- make sure you have your facts straight and are doing it for the right reasons though!!Then later today I talked with on of the greatest guys I know! We have been friends and we've had our bumps along the way- but through it all we've been there for each other. He showed me that you can always be a friend no matter what! And I thank him for that!And lastly...Sometimes it's just great to spend time with friends- talk, hang out, and just be together. I was hanging out with some friends tonight one left and the other said until 3:30 in the morning. We just told stories, laughed, had a heart to heart. It's nights like this that I can't help but smile and remember why I enjoy being friends with the people I am friends with. We all don't believe the same thing, do the same things, or even like the same things, but through our differences I can't help but love them all for who they are! The greatest view of friendship is the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. Thinking of friends I think of him as my best friend who I haven't treated so well. I think of all the things I've done- I've turned my back, ignored, neglected, disrespected, disobeyed, made fun of... I'm the person that has caused Him so much pain. And yet He still claims me. We can all look at Jesus Christ as the one who no matter what we do will always be there. So take a look at your own life and ask yourself today-- Am I being a great friend to Jesus, and am I mimicking Christ in my life as a great friend?
"A friend is loving at all times, and becomes a brother in times of trouble." Proverbs 17:17- (Bible in Basic English Version) 
"A man of many companions may come to ruin,but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."Proverbs 18:24 New International Version
"Better is open rebukethan hidden love.Wounds from a friend can be trusted,but an enemy multiplies kisses."Proverbs 27:5-6 New American Standard
"Two are better than one,because they have a good return for their work:If one falls down,his friend can help him up.But pity the man who fallsand has no one to help him up!"Ecclesiastes 4:9 -10 New King James Version
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13 (NIV)

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